
Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'm Still Alive- I Swear!

My cat Nigel Bunster is embarassed for me
Hey there readers,

I have been absolutely terrible about updating my blog lately. I actually should have been better because last week was Spring Break from Graduate school, but I decided to take a few days to really relax and not write anything while I could.

Bootless%20BettiesI was also taking some time to concentrate on my hot jazz vocal trio Bootless Betties and set up some potentially amazing gigs. One of the gigs I am getting together is a fundraiser for our local PBS station MPTV in July. We will be performing with another local group called Wisconsin Hybrid Theater (Radio WHT) that does old-timey radio show adaptations and original plays. It is going to be a wonderful interactive show, so if you are in town make sure and sign up for our newsletter so we can let you know how to get tickets. We also have a dieselpunk & steampunk show coming up in June.


Back to blog stuff, I know a lot of you are on the verge of Viva Las Vegas 14. I envy you, really. I wasn't able to make the 350 followers I hoped for to have a mega-giveaway. But I am so close to 300 that I am starting to put together some vintage goodies for a giveaway then.

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