
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Viva Las Vegas Series #14- J. Peterman On Sale

Oh J. Peterman Company how I love thee! I get your catalog every month and circle the items I want with a sharpie, just like I did for xmas when I was child in my Grandma's Sears catalogs. My husband does it too.

If you are not familiar with the J. Peterman Company, their clothing is heavily vintage inspired and many times an exact replica of historical fashion. They are mostly known for their exquisite men's selection, but I adore their women's items and one-of-a-kind items for the house. Unfortunately, while I am in school the catalog is the closest I can get to my beloved items because they can get a bit pricey. However, once in a while they have something on sale or clearance that I can afford and in my size (!) and I snatch it up asap!

Here are a few things that are on sale right now that are elegant, but still casual enough for a day-to-night look at Viva:

Knotted Tie Dress

Tie Front Cotton Blouse

Velvet Party Pants

1940s Cord Dress

Make sure when you visit the website that you request a catalog. Then go get yourself a sharpie and let the circling party begin!

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