
Friday, October 1, 2010

My Other Vintage Passion

Figgy Pudding- I'm the dramatic one on the right
I don't remember if I have ever posted about the fact that I love madrigal music, especially the bawdy stuff (which frankly accounts for 80% of the secular music of the time, just read between the lines). Sometimes I hear it in my sleep and have spent hours and hours looking through music books at the library and loving every minute of it.

I used to perform every summer at the Bristol Renaissance Faire for 11 years, first as a madrigal singer in various groups, then as the director, arranger and performer in an amazing all-female group called the Consorte Bella Donna. I still have thoughts about reforming this group because it was all kinds of awesomeness and what else is one going to do with a courtesan costume that sports an 8-yard bustle?

Consorte Bella Donna-Lusty Young Smith.mp3

English Ivy at Stronghold 09
I still perform at Renaissance Faires on occasion and this weekend I am at one in Oregon, IL called Stronghold. I am also selling my Tart Deco hair flowers and wreaths with a few extra Halloween goodies like witch hats. If you are in the area come and visit me!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Hope you have a great time this weekend. :)


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