
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mend & Make Do

Va-Voom Vintage turned me onto this great sewing project on the New Vintage Lady blog called Make & Mend Month. I l-o-v-e finding vintage Mend & Make Do pamphlets and I have used some of the tips to repurpose items that I have to give them a new life. This challenge comes at a perfect time because I have a 1930s apron that is very fragile that I plan to reinforce and attach to another pinafore apron for the Alice in Wonderland apron swap I am in.

There is half of July left so you can still join in the Make Do fun! Below are the suggestions from New Vintage Lady on how to participate. Make sure to stop by and post to let her know you are joining the fun!

Just for fun, here is a scan from one of the Make Do & Mend pamphlets in my personal collection.

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