
Friday, November 27, 2009

What's On Sale- Hair Flower Hangers

I am very addicted to hair flowers and have amassed quite a collection. In order to keep my hair flowers in good shape and away from my cats, I made myself a hair flower hanger. I had enough people ask me about mine that I went online to see what else was available and I was surprised to find that everything was geared towards children.

So starting a few days ago I added a couple of rockabilly hair flower hangers in my etsy shop Tart Deco with adults in mind (although it can be used for hip children). The hanging space is approx. 12" long and you can fit 10-16 clips, depending on size, sometimes more.

They are going for $20. However, right now I have the one pictured at left on ebay and the auction starts at $13.99, so you have a chance get it for less than regular price.

I am also taking custom orders and can make them twice as long for just a little bit more if you have a lot of flowers like me. I will be adding more if I get enough interest in them, so let me know if this is something you'd like to see more of.

Sorry for the less than stellar pictures but I still haven't had a chance to set up my photo area since the move!

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