
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Moving Complete

The contents from our one-bedroom apartment is successfully transported to our three-bedroom apartment. YEAH! I also had a very long Halloween Show at Frank's Power Plant due to daylight savings time. I literally slept ALL of Sunday. No kidding. True story...

With that said, my husband and I are diligently working on going through everything and getting our work spaces together. One good thing from the move is now I have a better idea of what I will have for sale and there is a LOT of it. Aprons, bonnet hair dryers, dresses, hats, kitchen items, linens, knick knacks, etc... and all of it VINTAGE. Once I have my photo area ready to take pics of the items I will post to my blog first to let all of you have first dibs.

Talking about my loyal readers, I am at 53 followers now. That's only 22 more until I have my great big domestic goddess giveaway. As an added incentive, if you post about my blog between now and when I hit 75 followers, you'll get an extra entry into the giveaway! All you have to do is make a comment in this post with the link and voila! Extra entry for you!

Photo taken from

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