
Friday, September 25, 2009

Blog Spotlight- 1950's Atomic Ranch House

I have been follow this blog for a while now, but I can keep this gem a secret no longer! Today was a post about using vintage containers for glamorous storage and the pictures are just delightful:

My favorite thing about this post is the link to buy reproduction bottles of soda at Galco's. Swoon! Hey Brides- wouldn't a couple of these soda bottles look great as centerpieces? I thought so..


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wanda Jackson

On Oct. 21st I saw the amazing Wanda Jackson live in concert at the Oneida Casino Lounge in Green bay, WI. If you aren't familiar with Wanda Jackson she is considered the Queen of Rock 'n Roll. She wrote her own music, dated Elvis Presley and toured with a bi-racial band in the 50s, all while sporting a fringe dress, high heels and glamorous updos. In short, she kicked ass and took names! The woman is in her 70s now and she still rocks with the best of them.

Ms. Jackson has been the subject of numerous documentaries, most notably in Welcome to the Club and the recent Smithsonian Channel program The Sweet Lady with the Nasty Voice. Wanda also finally got recognition from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the Early Influence category. If you go to the RnR Hall of Fame page they have a timeline of her accomplishments and recommended tracks and reading lists. If you don't have any of her music, do yourself a favor and get some. To make it easy for you here are some of my personal favorites for sale on Amazon:

I myself have a keen interest in Wanda Jackson as I sing in my own rockabilly band, Sidecar Steph & the 7-10 Split, and will be writing my Masters thesis on women in rockabilly music. I am sure you can guess that Wanda is a large part of my research. There are many resources available online if you would like to learn more about her. Wanda's own website has a great biography.

The best way to get to know Wanda Jackson is through her music. Below is a widget that will play samples of some of her hits. Just press the forward arrow button to move to the next song:

If you get a chance to see her live, DO IT! Don't walk, run to the nearest concert. Unfortunately, her website isn't always as up to date as it could be because her husband does it and he also tours with her so he doesn't always get the chance. A google search for Wanda and your city (or the closest largest city) will let you know if she is coming. You can also sign up for her newsletter on her Tour Dates page. She usually tours with another great rockabilly band called the Lustre Kings and they are amazing as well. It's like getting a double whammy to see her live with this band.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Opposites Attract?

I recently started following a delightful blog called Queens of Vintage. It carries humorous articles about various aspects of living vintage, including the latest gem called How to survive when your new boyfriend’s not vintage. It just reminds me of how lucky I am that my husband is just as into vintage as I am, sometimes more.

There is also a great article on 40s beauty regimens that has some easy helpful tips. Easy enough to recreate on your honeymoon when you don't want to lug a huge bag of cosmetics and hair products.

Lastly, they have a tutorial on how to apply the perfect cat-eye liner that is fabulous. Be aware that the video starts off with talking and then has a short music intro that is almost twice as loud (it is at the end too).

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Poppy Boutonniere Tutorial

Poppy Boutonniere Tutorial

This would be a fabulous rockabilly accessory in your hair or clipped to a dress. If you don't win it, you can make it. Also, a neat idea for wedding favors or bridesmaids gifts.

FYI, The giveaway that accompanies this tutorial is closed.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Featured on My Shopping Connection

My Lolita Rose hair clip (lower left corner) has been featured on in a piece about vintage homecoming. If you know any hip teenagers have them take peek at the other items listed.